Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) Read online

  Enthrall Him

  Enthrall Sessions

  A Novel

  Vanessa Fewings

  FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Enthrall Him

  Copyright © 2014 Vanessa Fewings

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from the author.

  This story is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity and are used fictitiously. All other characters, and all incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

  Cover design by VMK

  Cover photo is from Shutterstock – Photographer Phase4Studios

  Book formatted and edited by Louise Bohmer:


  ISBN-10: 9780991204

  ISBN-13: 9780991204625



  The Owlets




















































  “Whatever causes night in our souls may leave stars.” —Victor Hugo


  I ACHED FOR him.

  And yet he wasn’t that far away.

  Cameron’s private plane hadn’t taken off yet, but we might as well have. My heart soared at a breathtaking altitude.

  The daunting unknown.

  I was a bundle of excitement and nerves mixed with a heavy dose of confusion over what had unraveled during the last two weeks, and I still tried to grasp how all of that had gotten me aboard this flight to London. This shiny wood trimming, polished chrome, and these cream leather seats highlighted we were traveling in style. My fingernails left dents in the armrests and I tried to rub them out.

  I was out of my depth and it showed. My smart mouth had been silenced.

  Behind Larissa’s kind smile, the pretty thirty-something air stewardess, strained an incredulous expression. She seemed to be working out why a highly respected psychiatrist and well known billionaire would dote on a girl like me. My jeans and cashmere sweater were smart enough, but my wayward blonde locks were extra unruly this morning and had me looking bedraggled. A clear reflection of what was going on inside my head.

  Larissa’s frown deepened, as though she gave serious thought to my diamond studded collar. I wondered if she knew its meaning.

  Soon after boarding, Cameron had knelt at my feet and eased off my pumps, encouraging me to get comfortable. His thumb caressed the hummingbird tattoo on my ankle.

  He’d gone on to pour a glass of champagne before handing me the chilled flute. I willed myself not to knock it back, and hugged the small pillow he gave me.

  I’d only ever flown once before, and it was from my hometown Charlotte to Los Angeles. Way back when my life had been all about survival. Somehow I’d landed on the fast track of once secretary to Richard Booth, the assistant director of a swanky kink club in Palos Verdes, and on to the heady promotion of executive assistant to Cameron Cole, director of Chrysalis.

  Cameron wasn’t only my boss, though. Last night he’d staked his claim as my master, taking full ownership of this wide-eyed and starkly obvious newbie submissive. My toes curled in anticipation of what exactly that might mean.

  Larissa caught my tell-tale sign of self doubt and her eyebrows arched in curiosity. Raising her chin as she handed me a napkin was a clear indication she assumed this waif like twenty-one year-old was out of her league.

  With the inheritance of the Cole Tea empire looming over him, Dr. Cole was more than a renaissance man. He was one of America’s most eligible bachelors. Throw in him owning one of the grandest BDSM manors in the world and you’d merely touched on the surface of the enigma that was Cameron. He took mercurial to a whole new level, and I’d seen firsthand the way he rendered those around him speechless.

  Case in point, Larissa, and I hoped she wasn’t this flustered when it came to securing the doors before take-off. If I wasn’t so affected by Cameron’s magnetism myself I’d have told him to take it down a notch.

  He stood outside the cockpit, casually chatting away with the uniformed pilot. Cameron looked relaxed, like this was any ordinary day and we weren’t on our way to London. He stood there demurely, dressed in faded jeans and a sweater, inky black hair framing that handsome face and chestnut eyes crinkling into a heart-stopping smile as he looked at me—

  He did crazy things to my body. Tingles circled inside my chest, making me giddy. Dizzy with anticipation, I forced myself to look away and peer out the oval window. I wondered how Richard would react when he boarded the plane.

  Richard, my beautiful, broody boyfriend who I now lived with in his beachside property in Malibu. He’d given up a life of stock broking after his fiancé’s heartbreaking suicide back in New York, when his father had lorded over the city’s financial markets. His Dad’s criminal ruse had left thousands of his clients, and Richard’s family, with decimated finances. No longer one of the East Coast’s blue eyed boys, Richard had fled to Los Angeles to avoid public retaliation.

  If it hadn’t been for Cameron’s psychological mastery, Richard would still be mute. Before me, Richard had frequently danced with danger by skydiving on the weekends, or swimming with sharks, or my least favorite of all three, rock climbing without a harness. All this apparently had helped quiet his mind.

  I’d been presented to Richard for this very reason, to draw him out of his melancholy and away from his death defying escapades. In some ironic twist of fate, I’d ended up under the tutelage of his best friend Cameron, who’d seduced me into the very center of their playboy world.

  And right onto his plane.

  Cameron, the man able to change the course of histo
ry on a whim. We flew into this flame willingly. Our singed wings forced us to change direction and find the freedom our souls yearned for. Richard had handed me over to Cameron knowing I needed what only Cameron could provide. A therapy like no other.

  Despite the fact Richard expected a well trained submissive back, guilt wedged firmly in my chest. I was betraying him. I was meant to be Richard’s again and moving forward into the life we’d planned.

  Caressing my chest, I tried to soothe this ache uncertainty brought.

  The consequences of separation from Cameron loomed ever closer.

  He pulled out his iPhone. “Hey, Baxter, how are you?” Cameron leaned low and peered out through a window. “Yes, fantastic. Did catch it, yes. Great game. Look, sorry to spring this on you but I have a friend heading through terminal three. Yes. That’s right, gate thirty-one. Richard Booth. You remember Richard? Can you expedite him through? Thank you. Boeing 727. Send my regards to Deidre. How did Randall’s graduation go?” After a few minutes of catching up, along with pulling some pretty impressive strings, Cameron slid his phone back into his pocket and turned to the pilot. They resumed their conversation.

  I tucked my feet beneath me, hugging myself, fearing how Richard was going to react. The last time I saw him was outside Chrysalis when he’d demanded I get out of the car. A few seconds later, Cameron had driven away with me still in it.

  Taking in deep, steadying breaths, I reassured myself Cameron could handle Richard’s fury. Though after he’d stolen me away from Richard and put us up in L’Ermitage for a night, he too would have to face Richard’s temper.

  I didn’t need to pinch myself to believe all this craziness was real. My fingernails were digging into my palms and keeping me focused. Despite the inevitable heartache waiting on the other side of this adventure, I tried to hold onto the best advice I’d ever been given. To live in the now. Ironically, advice given by Cameron.

  It still amazed me a man so smart could also win the Mr. Eye Candy award for the twenty-first century. And that grin—

  The one he wore for someone approaching the ramp.

  Richard burst onto the plane, all blond locks and sun kissed skin, his smirk not reflecting the pain he had to be feeling. Surely having your girlfriend whisked off by your best friend was anger worthy? Yet Richard merely embraced Cameron, their conversation friendly, their voices low, both men at ease. Their gestures of affection were endearing.

  Richard’s face lit up when he saw me.

  I leaped from my chair and ran to him, burying my face against his chest.

  Richard planted kiss after kiss on my forehead and eased me back “Looks like you’re going to London.” He sounded a little too happy for me.

  “Yes,” I said, my excitement squished by his imminent disapproval.

  “Lance did this?” Richard ran his thumb over the bruise on my lip.

  I flinched at his touch. My lip hurt. “Sorry about last night. I couldn’t get away from him.”

  His expression became tense. “What a mess. Forgive me. I’m an ass. I fucked up.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “It was, Mia.”

  “Me punching him in the face didn’t exactly help,” said Cameron.

  “I’m the one who arranged the auction,” said Richard. “I put you in danger, Mia.”

  Cameron gave that sympathetic nod he always offered when one of us had messed up, that twist of his lips, that kind expression.

  “Lance was too strong,” I said, haunted by last night when I’d been sold to the highest bidder.

  A charity submissive auction gone awry.

  Lance Merrill, a formidable member of the Chrysalis’s lion’s den, had bid a million dollars on me, despite the fact Richard was supposed to have won me. Lance had taken it all too seriously. In a sea of confusion, he’d dragged me out of the ballroom. If Cameron hadn’t saved me, I’d have been taken off to goodness knows where.

  A shudder traced up my spine.

  Richard cupped his face in despair, as though he too was seeing it play out in his mind’s eye.

  “I don’t blame you.” I brushed a wayward lock of hair out of his face. “It all happened so fast.”

  “I’ll take care of everything,” he said.

  “Is Lance still angry?” I asked.

  Richard looked surprised. Cameron gave a subtle shake of his head. That all too familiar silent communication. The sign of a long friendship.

  “What’s going on?” I said warily.

  “What is that?” Cameron stared at the makeup bag Richard held.

  “Oh, yes.” Richard handed it to me. “Sorry, your toothpaste was confiscated by the TSA.”

  Cameron looked incredulous. “You have a Hello Kitty makeup bag?”

  Richard looked amused. “I bought her a Louis Vuitton but she still uses this one. You should have seen the looks I got carrying it.”

  I unzipped it and peered in, happy to see my contraceptive pills, my comb, toothbrush, and a spare lipstick. “It’s sentimental. Bailey gave it to me for my birthday.”

  “It’s adorable,” said Cameron dryly. “We’ll get you a new one in London.”

  “I like this one.”

  Larissa, who was enjoying our conversation a little too much, earned herself an alpha frown from Cameron. She scurried off toward the cockpit.

  “Two minutes,” said Cameron. “We’re close to lining up for takeoff.” He headed off down the aisle.

  I grabbed Richard’s hand. “You’re not coming with us?”

  “Let’s sit.”

  “Can’t Scarlet watch over Winston?” I sat beside him and grasped his hand.

  “Yes, of course. She’s always up for dog sitting. But I have some business to attend to. Urgent details that have to be taken care of.”

  “What kind?”

  Richard’s gaze followed Cameron up the aisle.

  “You’re still angry with me?” I said.

  “Why would I be angry?”

  “Last night. Cameron taking me away from Chrysalis.”

  “I didn’t give him any choice.”

  “Because of Lance? Cameron took care of it. He told Lance he was no longer a member of Chrysalis. It’s over now.”

  Richard frowned and reached into his pocket. “I have your phone. But don’t turn it on.” He handed it over. “Not until Cameron gives you the go-ahead.”

  “I know I can’t use it on the plane.”

  “Keep it turned off for now.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I never meant for any of this to happen. Cameron training me, you falling out with him.”

  “We haven’t fallen out.”

  “Your argument last night? On the phone?”

  “We scream at each other and the next day we’re best buddies again. Well, I scream at him. It’s how we’ve always been.” He arched a roguish brow.

  Richard really did seem okay with everything.

  It had all happened so fast, with me being handed over to Cameron to train, his genius at unlocking painful secrets, and all of this intensity leaving me spellbound.

  Richard sat calmly, as though there was nothing unusual about his friend stealing me away again and continuing this, whatever this was.

  None of it made any sense.

  “Something’s wrong,” I whispered.

  “Shush.” Richard caressed my face with curled fingers. “Please, relax. Enjoy your trip.”

  A heaviness sat on my chest over leaving him behind.

  “I want something of yours.” His fingers traced the edges of my bracelet. “This is new.” He ran his thumb over the tiny diamonds. “When did you get this?”

  Richard knew. I could see it. I’d never have bought something this expensive. His eyes rose to meet mine.

  “I’m not meant to take it off.”

  This delicate bracelet had been given to me that first night I’d surrendered to Cameron in his Beverly Hills mansion. That evening sent me reeling in a sensuous spin of discovery.

  My cheeks flushed wildly as my mind desperately tried to focus on something else.

  That dimly lit bedroom. Cameron pulling me astride him. That terrible fullness morphing into blinding pleasure. Unbound ecstasy like no other. Screaming into Cameron’s palm as I came.

  And came again.

  Minutes later, while still lulled in an erotic daze, Cameron had placed this bracelet on my wrist. This gesture of ownership only now I understood. As though the collar wasn’t enough.

  Richard fumbled at my wrist to unlock the catch.

  Cameron strolled back up the aisle, his intensity proving we were against the clock. He frowned in realization as he watched Richard fumble.


  The chain rested in Richard’s palm. “I’m sorry…I…”

  Cameron held out his hand. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Richard tucked the bracelet into his pocket.

  I caressed my wrist. “Why aren’t you going with us?”

  “He’ll join us in a couple of days,” said Cameron. “You brought her phone?”

  Richard took it back from me and held it up. “Shay checked it for malware. No sign of cloning.”

  “Malware?” I said.

  Cameron stepped forwards. “I’ll take it.”

  Jeez, these guys were controlling.

  Cameron tucked my phone into his jacket pocket.

  Larissa appeared in a flurry. “Sir, we’re set for takeoff.”

  Richard took my hands in his. “Be a good girl. Do exactly as Cameron tells you. Stay by his side at all times.” He forced a smile. “This will be fun. I’ll see you in three days, okay.”

  Larissa stepped forward. “Sir, one more minute and you’re coming to London.”

  Richard pulled me into a kiss, the press of his lips against mine a welcome touch, the pressure against my bruise a needful ache.

  He pulled back and stared into my eyes. “I’ll make it safe for you to come home, Mia. I promise.”


  THE LOS ANGELES skyline fell away.